
'' While some historians remember this period very well, others remember it as a period full of cruelty and disasters and remember it with hatred''

Quadro horse races .
4. century ...

At the chariot races, more than 50 thousand people could come together, it was one of the Hippodrome games. here. 

Nikea 536

 Mediaval Emperior


 The name of Jusitinianus, who is called the Great, is mentioned as follows in the Imperial correspondence:
"Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Jusitinianus, Allamanicus, Gothicus, Fransicus, Germanicus, Anticus, Vandalicus, Africanus"
Justinian was born in Tauresium, near today's Macedonia/Skopje. His family comes from Ancient Romans who settled in the Macedonia region. We will also examine the Ancient Romans section on our website...

Justinianus uncle,'Emperor Justinus, was a farmer who came to Byzantium from Macedonia with
three friends to enlist in the army.

Yet, he could not have imagined that he would be in such a high
position in the future.

A Pearl of SİLK Road ...


According to historians, Justinius was illiterate, but had a very strong physique. He was promoted to the palace guard immediately after enlisting in the army.

Justinius, who participated in the Isaura and Persian wars together with Leo and Anastasius, who became Emperors during this period, gained great respect and power in the army, but by this time he was also quite old.
Justinius, together with his wife Euphemia, brought their nephew, little Jusitinian, from Macedonia and adopted him.
Euphemia was also a slave and the mistress of Justinius, and they got married after a while. When her husband ascended to the throne, she also became Empress.




His nephew Jusitinanus began to receive a very good education at the palace. He first joined the elite military unit called Candiati. He was later elected head of the Domesticus.And later he became Patrikios.


His uncle took him to Caesar did so in 525 and waited only 2 years to become the heir to the throne.
He ascended to the throne when his uncle died...